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Tuesday 22 November 2011

..ape2 saje..

this is my beautiful youngest sister.. Natasya.. just 6yo.. next year she will be in year 1.. that day she won 2nd prizes of "PAKAIAN BERAGAM".. actually i didn't expect at all that she could win it, coz lot of her friends were so cute and good in dressing.. hehe.. ( aq ckp omputeh ni pun da x bpe nk btul kan) hahah.. let it be.. who care right? anyway congrats to my cute sis.. budak ni kdg2 klaka.. ske wat hal sndri tp bgus sgt sbb dy dga ckp.. n dah pandai bsuh pinggan sndri.. good girl!

this is my youngest brother.. known as APEX PERCY on his fb.. budak ni mcm2 hal sket, time dy 3yo, i men2 ngan dy..inside my mom room..maen lari..sampai he jtuh n terhantuk pd bucu katil besi mak i.. terpancut darah! b'lubang dahi.. nangis2 aq time 2.. x pasl2 b'jhit kpale.. and then i cycle a bike with him.. his leg get into the rem ( cmtu ke je rem beskal?)..from jari kaki until ankle ~ kulit dy terkoyak..nmpak daging.. aq jgak y slh.. ngis2 aq.. my big bro bisng2 ckp x geti jge adek.. abes nk wat cne, aq dah jerit2 suh dy kang2 dy y x nk dga..( naek beskal yg ade seat blkg 2..).. umo dy 4-5yo, dy g potng sndri kulit ibu jari kaki..pkai pisau jilit plak 2.. dasyat bdk ni.. bhye.. org tgh rewag potong bawang dy potong kaki..hish!..mcm hal lg la.. plik aq ng  dy..heee.. next year he will be in form 2..

this 1, my sis ( adek gak ).. we both different 3years.. she is now @ Kolej Matrikulasi Johor.. 18yo his year.. now she is good in dressing her scarf.. teenage right? always want something unique.. i want it too but not confident at all.. hehe..she is the 1 who always play doll with me, sleep with me..( b4 i further study and get married).. she also my partner to share about love, problem and the 1 who will fight with me..heheh.. miss her and miss a memo with her.. now everybody r grown up.. don't look back!.. x banyak kesah klaka ngan dy.. ntah la x bpe nk ingat.. huhu.. her skin r more whiten than me..( mmgla mse mak ngandgkan dy mak mnum soya je.. ).. dlu dy ckp dy putih sbb pkai sbun lux! hahahah.. dy mmg da azali berkulit cerah.. aq je yg cm kne burn sket..hee..

it's me.. tgh tgu ari je baby nk kua! doc ckp anggaran berat bdn baby dalam 2.8-3kg.. fuh..agak memberansangkan..mtk2la sng kua nnti ye..

my husband.. tp pic ni time dy bjg lg.. skg da nk jadi papa!!..syg, sy syg sgt kat syg!!..smoge b akan dimurahkn rzki dan mendapat job yang melimpah ruah untuk menyediakan segalanya untuk kesenangan anak kite nanti..amin.. love u b..

pic abg aq je y x msuk lg.. nanti la aq edit balik.. laen kali aq cte psl adek ipar aq plak.. maklumlah kne mtk gmbar..tkut dorg marh plak msuk pic y dorg x ske t..heheh

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